
The tapping test is a test for determining cyclic speed and is particularly suitable for detecting “speed talent”: SmarTracks records the tapping frequency, i.e. the number of contacts with the ground per second, measured in Hertz.

Tapping performance depends on coordination ability and individual strength; frequencies above 12 Hz (contacts per second) are considered good. SmarTracks determines the number of ground contacts over 6 or 15 seconds.

That’s how you do the tappings test:
The athlete starts in a standing athletic position. The knees are slightly bent and the torso is slightly tilted forward.
The feet have to leave the ground at each sequence. The athlete should not move in the horizontal plane during the period of testing. The athlete should move with maximum intention and speed for at least 6 seconds.

What is measured:

Duration [s]
Avg. frequency [Hz]
Max. frequency [Hz]
Avg. frequency for 6 and 15 seconds [Hz]
Number of contacts for 6 and 15 seconds

– This test is performed without Timing Gates.
– Before and after each tapping the athlete should stand still for at least 1 second.

How to find the test results in the software:
The test results are displayed in the SmarTracks Diagnostics software under the tab “Tappings”.