Smart Run

Reliable running data with the push of a button

All over the world, sports facilities are being built with in-ground SmarTracks Timing Gates: SmarTracks Locations. When you have the Smart Run app, you can use these Timing Gates free of charge.

The Smart Run app gives you the reliable running data you need.
If you want the best quality data, then use the app with our DX5.0 sensor.

How does it work?

On a SmarTracks Location, Smart Run communicates with the facility’s underground Timing Gates. The app captures the Gates’ magnetic signal, processes them and provides you your timing results.

Simply put the smartphone on the lower back, and the app will measure all information you need to perfect your training. After your run, you see your results immediately.

How to measure a run with the Smart Run app

Advantages at a glance

  • Perfectly suited for short- and middle-distance runs and agility tests
  • Provides 5m split times [0.01 sec]
  • Unique magnetic timing technology
  • Free app

Data at 500Hz with the DX5.0 sensor

If you have our DX5.0 sensor, you can use the Smart Run app to receive high-resolution timing and step information. You get the timing immediately livestreamed on your smartphone and can see all results in the app or online. More information on the DX5.0 sensor here.



  • What kind of smartphone do I need to be able to use the app?

  • How do I know whether I have a SmarTracks Location?

  • Do I need a DX5.0 sensor to be able to use the Smart Run app?